The fight against the adverse effects of climate change has become a civilization issue, as much as is the objective to seek ‘peace on Earth’. Thus, measures to ensure reduced GHG emissions and to allow for preventive adaptations are necessary as of now. The areas concerned are numerous: agriculture and forests, energy, urbanism and transportation, industrial sectors, coast-line preservation, qualitative and quantitative supplies of drinking water, new manufacturing modes and shared economies, lean and adaptive management of Earth’s resources and their utilizations …

It is primordial, henceforward, to shift to a more intense level the actions engaged to date and to ensure constant financial means to implement them; to consolidate or even extend the legal framework, both in national and international law to ensure that the measures taken are implemented and complied with. Better awareness campaigns must be prepared and set in motion to make the measures applicable, acceptable and readily appropriated. Education and training course contents must continue to include environmental factors and considerations.

New technologies will contribute to reduction of GHG emissions and to the adaptation of our economic systems. Deployment of technological innovations on a largescale will depend largely on how and when States commit themselves to taking action. This will take the form of drafting new standards, the creation of a carbon market and adapted, long-term and guaranteed financial provisions…

Developing nations are often the most vulnerable when adverse climate changes strike them and we must ensure that technology transfer to these countries takes place with adapted technologies where necessary; for this purpose, financial incentives will be needed too.

This NATF Academic Report analyses and assesses technological potential that could be mobilized and/or developed. The analysis covers the main sectors concerned, the progress that could be expected and issues several recommendations that could be implemented during the French Presidency of the COP21.